Buffalo Cauliflower Crust Pizza


After some inspiration and a request from a friend (thanks, Adam), anything buffalo was on the menu for tonight. I started out with the intension of finally making the cauliflower buffalo “wings” , but when I went to make them – I really wasn’t in the mood for that. Instead, I took it one step farther, got inventive and decided to stick with the combination, but completely alter the form.

I’ve made cauliflower crust pizza a bunch of times, but have to admit – this one came out on top. I modified the recipe from iFoodReal (link below) and basically ball parked the ingredients using less cauliflower (I used about 1/2 a cauliflower head). First you want to pulverize the cauliflower in a food processor or blender. When it is the consistency of rice, you want to then microwave for 6-8 minutes. I did 6, but I used less cauliflower. After the microwave, you want to ring out the cauliflower to remove some of the excess water. (Note: BE CAREFUL! It is HOT!) You can use a paper towel, but the fancy kind would use a cheese cloth.

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Once you have removed most of the water, you want to add an egg (I substituted 1 egg white), fresh grated mozzarella, sprinkle of parmesan cheese,  and salt and pepper to your liking. 

Stir with a fork, making sure all of the cauliflower rice is covered and beginning to bind.

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Next you want to flatten out your “dough” onto a parchment paper lined baking pan or pizza stone if you have one!

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Cook for 15-20 minutes if making the full head, I let mine cook for roughly 10 minutes. You’ll want to pull it out once you see the edges are turning brown. Look at the bottom with a spatula if you’re not sure. Now for your toppings (and where I started to go wild).

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While the crust was in the oven, I made some quick toppings. I grilled 2 asparagus spears and a few (like 4) slices of red onion. I also quickly sautéed about 2 oz of ground chicken, quickly (and simply) seasoned with garlic powder and red pepper flakes. I sliced some fresh mozzarella (from the same ball I grated earlier)By the time that was all done, It was time to pull out the pizza and throw on the toppings.

I also made a buffalo sauce, which consisted of 1 tablespoon (and a few extra dashes) of hot sauce and 1 tablespoon of plain greek yogurt. I threw in some diced fresh garlic. Blend the mixture and toss in the chicken. I then layered the pizza with the chicken first, followed by asparagus, cheese and red onions.


I cooked the loaded pizza for about 2 minutes, until I saw the cheese was starting to melt. I then stuck it in the broiler for about 2 additional minutes with a dash (or 5) of hot sauce. Watch it closely while in the broiler so it doesn’t burn. When the cheese starts to brown a little, it is DONE. I sprinkled some bleu cheese on for extra flair and dug in (alright fine, so I snapped some pics, and then dove in). Ultimate test of patience. Good luck!IMG_8025

Link Cauliflower Crust recipe: http://ifoodreal.com/cauliflower-pizza-crust-recipe/

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