Vegetable Stir Fry

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Tonight’s dinner was Asian themed. Since coming home from Disney World, I’ve been on a bit of an Asian kick. This is probably in part because it is one of the only types of food I didn’t eat while away, not to mention it is one of my favorites. Since I had sushi on Saturday (and I do not know how to make sushi), I figured a solid veggie stir fry would do the trick. An added bonus, since it’s Monday (and I try not to eat meat on Mondays) I knew I could fill it up with lots of veggies and brown rice and feel full and satisfied after. (For about an hour until I want something sweet- I will definitely be hitting up my PB cookies from yesterday)!

The prep for this made up recipe is fairly simple. I should warn you though, I am going to wing the measurements to recreate it (I am not 100% sure of the exact) but I have faith in you, you got this!

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Since I went to the grocery store yesterday, I had a ton of fresh veggies to choose from. I chose about half a cup of broccoli (although I would use more next time because Asian style broccoli is BOMB), cauliflower, a handful (roughly 10) string beans, about 1/2 a small green pepper, 4 baby carrots (chopped), and a 1/4 of an red onion. I will get to the marinade later…for now, throw about 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan with 1 clove of garlic (pressed and minced), along with your chopped onion.

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Give it about 5 minutes on medium heat (no more than a 6 on the knob), until you smell the garlic and onion frying in the oil. When you see the garlic turning brown, its time to toss in your veggies.

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While your veggies are cooking in the olive oil, garlic, and red onion mixture (don’t forget to stir it around) for about 6 minutes, you’ll notice the greens turn a deep, vibrant shade of green. While this is happening, you want to begin to prepare your marinade. I used about 5 teaspoons (or roughly 1 and 1/2 tablespoons) of low sodium soy sauce, about 1 teaspoon of hot chili sesame oil (Note: you can use regular sesame oil if you are not a fan of the spice), and a teaspoon and a 1/2 of apple cider vinegar. I also added a nice drizzle of Sriracha and a couple of shakes of red pepper flakes. Again, feel free to omit the previous two ingredients if not a fan of spicy foods. As you know, I am freakishly in love with spicy food and can’t say that I didn’t think “OMG my mouth is on fire” while devouring this dish (and I loved every second of it). I also threw in some freshly grated ginger, about a small nub, which probably equaled about an 1/8 of a teaspoon. I’m also a huge fan of ginger so may use extra next time. This is one of those marinades you will want to taste as you go. Use your palette as your guide.

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Back to the cooking, once the veggies look bright and have been cooking in the garlic and oil for about 6 minutes, pour on the marinade. Cook for another 8 minutes or so, turning often to ensure the bottom/marinade doesn’t burn. Taste as you turn every couple of minutes to test the texture of your veggies. I like mine to be flavorful and soft, but with a nice fresh crunch (not too soggy).

Once the marinade and veggies are coming together, I brought a pot up to a boil and made some brown rice (again, stirring to ensure the bottom doesn’t burn). (Note: Make sure you are using “Minute Brown Rice” or it’ll take you about an hour to cook the rice.) I made about 1/2 cup of brown rice and found that I could not finish it all. (1/2 cup rice to 1/2 cup of water). Taste the rice as it cooks as well to make sure it is a texture to your liking.

Time to plate: I put the rice on the bottom of the bowl, layered with my veggies, and sprinkled some sesame seeds on top. xiăngshòu! (or enjoy, for those of you who don’t speak {Google} Chinese) 😉

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