Kind Bars


I’ve been meaning to try out Primal Bites recipe for homemade Kind Bars for a while {recipe link below}. The recipe sounded delicious and would not cost me nearly as much as purchasing Kind Bars ($2 per bar). This week I’ll be traveling to DISNEY WORLD for a work conference. My co-worker and I are on a mission to eat healthy and be budget conscious during our trip – which is a very new concept to me for vacation. I figured there was no better time to attempt Primal Bites granola bar recipe, than when I needed some quick on the go snacks for my trip!

The recipe was super simple and very similar to making regular granola, except more, much more nuts and seeds. Most of the ingredients I had in the pantry and are used on a regular basis. It calls for almonds, raisins (I used cranberries), coconut flakes, sesame seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and other nuts of your choice (I chose walnuts and added flax). You will also need coconut oil and honey (I used agave nectar). First, you mix and roughly chop the dry ingredients. FullSizeRender 9

While I chopped the ingredients and mixed them together, I microwaved the coconut oil for about 40 seconds. I then added the honey into the bowl and stirred the mixture using a whisk to ensure it was blended. The dry ingredients are added into the bowl and tossed to make sure it’s evenly coated.


Next you spread the mixture evenly onto a parchement paper lined cookie sheet. I opted for a smaller cookie sheet so the bars were a similar thickness to the Kind Bars. You bake for 15 minutes (I did 13, knowing my oven). You then let it cool for 20 minutes on the counter before sticking it in the fridge for 20 more. After 20 minutes in the fridge bars will be set and ready to cut. I chose to leave the bars in longer to really make sure they were firm. After about an hour, I took them out and cut them into individual bar sized chunks. The recipe made about 14 bars total. I individually wrapped them in Saran Wrap and stuck them back in the fridge.

I was really surprised with how similar they tasted to Kind Bars. I will definitely be making this recipe again and keeping bars handy for when hunger strikes. 🙂

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Recipe link:

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