Chocolate Protein Pancakes  

As it is Valentine’s Day, I woke up craving chocolate. Chocolate protein pancakes were the perfect balance between fulfilling my craving and keeping in line with my new clean eating lifestyle. 

I had previously tried several recipes for chocolate pancakes and found that while they were delicious, at times they could be rather thin. This morning I set out to try and make them by using the same recipe as the vanilla pancakes (see previous post), substituting the chocolate protein powder instead of the vanilla.  

The recipe is 1 mashed banana (this time using my fabulous potato masher 🙌), 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder, 2 egg whites, 1/8 teaspoon of baking powder, and a nice sprinkle of cinnamon. The baking powder helps the pancakes become a nice fluffy texture, which as previously mentioned, was missing from other recipes. 

The batter will be a thick (ish) mixture. I used a ladle to pour it into the sprayed pan. This helped to not spill/drip the batter anywhere other than the desired location. 

Wait until the pancakes bubble and flip! They cook much faster on the second side, so don’t get distracted! A clear example of do as I say not as I do. 😉

They take about 5 minute on the first side versus 2 on the second. 

As today is a day of sweet indulgence, I added a shmear of peanut butter to each level of the stack. I also sprinkled some flax and chia seeds for an added crunch. 

I’ll keep this post short and sweet, as my similarly described  pancake stack is ready to be consumed. 

Wishing you all a happy valentine day! Enjoy! 

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