Vanilla Protein Banana Pancakes

Saturday mornings have become my favorite of the week. Not only can I sleep in and NOT have to go to work (woo hoo!), but I have also been on a journey to find the best healthy pancakes on Pinterest. I recently started using Nature’s Bounty Chocolate and Vanilla protein powders and have loved experimenting with them in recipes, other than just in a simple (albeit delicious) blended smoothie. From brownies to pancakes (which is what brings you here), I have experimented with quite a few of each and am dead set on narrowing down my favorite Saturday morning go-tos.

Today’s batch was definitely my top vanilla pancake that I’ve found so far (Link to Willowbird Baking site below). They come out extremely fluffy, which others have disappointingly not. They’re really easy to whip up in under 15 minutes and most of the ingredients you should already have in the house (if you have protein powder, that is).

This recipe contains mashed bananas, which makes the pancakes nice and sweet (see: Brownie “Bites”) without having to add any sugars or too much syrup.

Mash the banana with a fork. Really get aggressive and make sure they’re good and mashed. I use a large fork, but keep wishing I had a potato masher (which thank you Amazon Prime, will be here on Monday!)


Next you want to add one 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/8 tsp of baking powder (optional, but makes a  difference), and 2 egg whites (a substitute by choice not by recipe.)


Mix the batter thoroughly to make sure there is no protein powder residue. Next, pour the mixture into a pan. Wait for the pancakes to start to bubble; or in my mind make holes and then flip them over with a spatula.


Ahh, perfect! Wait about a minute, check the sides for any doughy looking areas, then they are good to go!


Last step, the best step….plate and devour. I added a sprinkle of my fave homemade granola (duh!) and some fresh blueberries. Feel free to go wild on your toppings. Enjoy!


Recipe link:

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