Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie “Bites”

After volunteering to bake something for work tomorrow, I ran (somewhat literally) to the store after a butt kicking workout class (okay, so I slowly waddled to the store!). I quickly grabbed some ripe bananas, peanut butter, blueberries, and eggs. I knew I could definitely find a healthier mini muffin recipe utilizing those ingredients in some capacity. While cooking up some dinner, I happened to touch my soon to be over ripe avocados. Knowing that I had seen some avocado baking recipes, I figured what better time to foray into an avocado baking experiment. I just couldn’t let those puppies go to waste! After doing minimal research on, you guessed it – Pinterest!; I stumbled upon a super simple recipe using their easy new search feature. It’s awesome, you just click the words of the things you are looking for (“healthy” “muffins” “peanut butter” “avocado”). Turns out, there are more results than I expected. I went with the first one (Heather’s French Press: see link below) and thankfully, it seemed like it wouldn’t take too long (man was I pooped!). The prep process was great (the clean up, not so much) in that all I had to do was plop the ingredients in my food processor and hit the HIGH button.

Ingredients: {1 ripe avocado (score!), 1 cup of peanut butter, 2 eggs, 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/3 cup of honey (which I substituted for Agave Nectar) – I also added cinnamon, just for fun} After the ingredients started to look relatively blended, I opened up the top to give the sides a good scratch to make sure all of the peanut butter was incorporated into the mixture….no PB left behind!  Next I took a tablespoon and scooped the THICK mixture into mini muffin tins. The recipe says it makes 16 muffins, however, I got roughly 27. (Note to self: FILL THE CUPS – hence the “Bites” Whoops!) The recipe says to bake on 350F for about 8-10 minutes. Since my oven usually burns EVERYTHING (re: “The Granola”), I checked it at 6 and then reset the timer for a minute and a half. I pulled them out when I was convinced they looked cooked through.  I let them cool in the muffin tin for about 15 minutes and then popped them out (and may or may not have popped one or two into my mouth).  While these bites are tasty, they’re not a game changer. If I were to make them again, I would add nuts, chocolate chips, or some other form of crunch/texture. I also think I would add a stevia packet to enhance the sweetness. Luckily for me, they are still something that I am proud to serve to my coworkers. However, on my new rating scale {shout out to Bachata and Barbells for the fab idea!}, they’d probably fall somewhere around a 6 (if my granola is a 10). They’re a good healthy alternative, but I’ve definitely made some healthy muffins/brownies that taste pretty similar to their full cal counterparts. Which is BANANAS, no seriously – I think it’s due to the mashed bananas. Next time, I’ll be selecting bananas as an ingredient instead of avocado. Stay tuned!

Heather’s French Press:

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